Artist & Educator
Brianna Hoftun brianna hoftun briannahoftun
Album Cover Art
Students in this high school Introduction to Digital Art class built upon Photoshop and/or Procreate techniques that they learned during a poster design project to create album covers for artists of their choosing.
We started by looking at a few iconic album covers to see the wide range of artwork that is found on them and to begin thinking about how to connect a musical artist’s sound, personality, and/or message to artwork that would appeal to their target audience.
We discussed the translation of abstract ideas, such as the sound of an artist's music, into images as well as the power of design on making a strong first impression.
The results are as varied as the students! This was not only a chance for me to see growth from their first project to their second and the emergence of individual design aesthetics, but also great way to learn more about the students' interests and personalities.
Students also had the opportunity to put their finished designs into a product mockup, bringing their designs into a "real" context that allowed them to see their artwork as a little more than a flat image on a square Photoshop canvas.